Satoshi Roundtable XII will be hosted in Dubai, January 29th – February 3rd, 2026 as an invitation-only event. To request an invitation, please contact us.
Attendees of past Satoshi Roundtable events include many leading developers, founders, CEOs and investors.
The Satoshi Roundtable uses an unconference format designed to maximize time effectiveness, learning and building relationships. The unconference format allows everyone who wants to speak and participate and encourages attendees to spend time wherever it is most effective. The format allows for collaboration and deep dives into advanced topics as well as the ability to break into smaller groups for high level discussions, business meetings and dealmaking.
The event is limited in size and will include a full buyout of the hotel to ensure privacy and security for our guests.
Ticket only registration is reserved for residents of the UAE only.
If you have not recieved an official invitation, please request one below